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NEW! Free Virtual Meeting Access until June 30
In light of these challenging times, RSNA is extending access to RSNA 2019 Virtual Meeting free of charge through June 30. We hope you will take advantage of this special offer to access premium educational content from our most recent annual meeting at no charge.
Register for Virtual Meeting
In case you missed these important RSNA COVID-19 updates:
COVID-19 Imaging Data Repository – Participation Survey Due April 15
RSNA is pleased to announce a new initiative to build an open COVID-19 Imaging Data Repository to create a comprehensive source for COVID-19 research and education efforts, including development of AI algorithms. Some 70 organizations have already expressed interest in participating. Organizations are requested to complete this survey to provide information about COVID-19 imaging data they may be willing share for research. Responses are requested by April 15.
RSNA Coronavirus Case Collection
New peer-reviewed cases of COVID-19 are being published each week. Radiologists can view cases from around the world to better understand disease progression over time and cases with varying degrees of severity. This critical resource for COVID-19 is available free of charge. Visit this important resource and share with your colleagues.
COVID-19 Online Resources
RSNA provides COVID-19 radiology-specific resources through a dedicated COVID-19 page. From the most recent publications to webinars on departmental preparedness to lung image collections, this dedicated resource brings you the most timely and useful radiology-specific information. Bookmark the COVID-19 resources page and check back regularly for updates.
For Residents
We recognize that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ability for residents to participate in radiological services is temporarily limited in many institutions. In addition to the complimentary and extended access to RSNA 2019 Virtual Meeting, below is a collection of some of the top educational resources that residents can take advantage of during this time.
“RadioGraphics: Online Education Features,” a video overview by RadioGraphics editor Jeffrey S. Klein, MD.
Access these tools for free:
RSNA’s Online Learning Center has a robust catalog of learning activities that will help residents meet their ACGME milestones and keep their skills sharp for the Core Exam. Visit our COVID-19 resources page often as we continue to highlight resources for residents.
© 2020 Radiological Society of North America | 820 Jorie Blvd., Suite 200 | Oak Brook, IL 60523-2251
TEL 1-630-571-2670 | Membership 1-877-RSNA-MEM(776-2636)
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